Articles 2025
Must Love Dogs? If You Want the Job
Bloomberg View, February 13, 2018
Until recently, the norm was for people who disliked, feared or were allergic to animals to tolerate brief interactions on the street or in a pet owner’s home. They understood that theirs was a minority view that marked them as weird, and they’d pretend not to mind your dog the same way people used to pretend that cigarette smoke didn’t bother them. But they could also count on spending most of their day without animal encounters. Offices, hotels and restaurants -- not to mention airplanes -- were pet-free zones. -
Lessons From a Slow-Motion Robot Takeover
Bloomberg View, February 09, 2018
Cotton harvesting is now dominated by machines. But it took decades to happen. -
Youth! Street Life! The Case for Crowded Neighborhoods
Bloomberg View, January 26, 2018
This Angeleno is thrilled with a plan to ease California’s urban housing crisis. -
Oprah Is the Living Symbol America Needs Now
Bloomberg View, January 08, 2018
Forget the presidency -- she'd be a terrific head of state. And the job is open. -
Licensing Makes It Harder to Go Where the Jobs Are
Bloomberg View, December 28, 2017
Want to relocate to another state to be a teacher or a plumber? Get ready to go back to school and pass another test. -
Must-Reads of 2017: No, These Are Not Dark Times
Bloomberg View, December 20, 2017
Two books tell us why humans have always been drawn to the light. -
Making History Modern
Reason, December 2017
When women bought retro futurism at $4.50 a yard. -
Hollywood's allure melts under hot lights of Weinstein, Simmons and Ratner scandals
USA Today, November 29, 2017
Glamour is an illusion. It hides flaws, distraction, effort — and darker realities. Glamour may do more than disguise abuse. It can feed it. -
Aluminum-Foil Duties Won't Make America Great
Bloomberg View, November 10, 2017
A Trump tariff on Chinese imports will hurt U.S. workers and companies. It's good for Russia, though. -
The Deep Question Behind Rand Paul's 'Trivial' Dispute
Bloomberg View, November 08, 2017
A neighbor assaulted the senator—reportedly over the meaning of property rights.