Articles 2025
Adam Smith Needs a Paper Clip
Reason, May 2017
The pin factory, re-examined. -
Why Food Is Taking Over Your Life
Bloomberg View, April 26, 2017
Filling a primal physical need turns out to be a perfect match for the digital age. -
The End of Men? Not in the Retail Sector
Bloomberg View, April 19, 2017
The "retail apocalypse" is destroying traditionally female jobs while creating ones for men. -
Adam Smith Needs a Paper Clip
Reason, May 2017
The pin factory, re-examined -
Pepsi: The Company Desperately Trying to Be Something It Isn't
Bloomberg View, April 05, 2017
The Pepsi Generation is old and gray and the company that gave birth to it just got a sharp reminder that the appeal of saccharine soda ads is dead. -
The Impact of Digital Technology on Textile Manufacturing
AATCC News, April 04, 2017
Whether for large-scale contract manufacturers or artisanal designers, new digital systems are opening new possibilities for making and using textiles. And, as with the e-textiles discussed in last month’s issue, some of the most promising early markets are for home goods and interiors. -
How to Save Twitter Two Pennies at a Time
Bloomberg View, March 29, 2017
Twitter Inc. is proof that a startup can change the world without developing a viable business model. So why not try something drastic? Charge for Twitter’s true value: the opportunity to tweet. -
How to Save Twitter Two Pennies at a Time
Bloomberg Opinion, March 29, 2017
Still struggling to make its business work, the social media company should try something drastic. -
Death of the Shoe Salesman, Finally
Bloomberg View, March 17, 2017
Another storied occupation is on its way out and the replacement is neither robots nor foreign workers. We’re witnessing the death of the shoe salesman. -
Don't Just Roll Back Fuel Standards. End Them.
Bloomberg View, March 14, 2017
Fighting over the right level for fuel-economy mandates obscures the fundamental problem, however. The CAFE standards are lousy environmental policy. Instead of targeting the real issue -- burning less gasoline -- the mandates meddle in corporate strategy, impose enormous hidden costs, and encourage drivers to hang on to their old gas guzzlers.