Dynamist Blog


I was delighted to hear from reader James Blakey that C-Span 2 will be replaying Brian Lamb's 1999 Booknotes with me about The Future and Its Enemies. The "Encore Booknotes" presentation will air Saturday, August 14 at 7:00 pm ET and Sunday, August 15 at 11:00 am ET. (Details here.)

Given that news, I was especially sorry to read this WaPost report that C-Span is canceling Booknotes. As an author, I've had my once-per-lifetime interview, but as a viewer I enjoy Brian Lamb's unique (and long-form) interview style and the program's unusually serious selection of authors and books.

Hey, MSNBC, how about picking up this format? You need some new programming, and it's cheap, cheap, cheap.

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