Dynamist Blog

DVDs and CDs for Marines

I received the following email from a Marine sergeant in Iraq:

My name is SSGT Jerry Jeffrey and I'm a Marine currently in Iraq till Oct 05 and have approx 30 Marines that work for me. We really enjoy watching movies and listening to music to help combat the bordom during down time. We work 12-14 hour days and enjoy kicking back and relaxing to a good movie or cd. Please add our unit to your list to recieve dvd's, and cd's.


Update: A couple of readers have scolded me for posting the address of a servicemember, saying it puts him in danger. (How that happens with an FPO address I don't quite understand, but then the military mail system is a mystery to me.) If that's the case, SSGT Jeffrey probably shouldn't be writing to random bloggers asking for mail. At any rate, I've taken down the address, so if you'd like to send some entertainment to the troops, email me for the address.

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