Dynamist Blog


I'm spending a happy week in California, hanging out in my old place in L.A. (Before you think that's weird, remember that lots of people have second homes. Ours just happens to be our old L.A. condo.) Tomorrow, I'm driving to San Diego to speak at Reason Weekend, the Reason Foundation's annual conference for donors. I'm talking about The Substance of Style and also joining a panel on blogging, featuring such fine other speakers as Eugene Volokh, Nick Gillespie, and Glenn Reynolds (whose speech is also on blogging).

I haven't been back to L.A. in months, and I wasn't sure I'd like it as much now that I'm more or less acclimated to Dallas. Wrong. I got out of the cab, breathed the soft air, looked at the evening sky (oddly enough, you can see more stars in L.A. than in Dallas), and thought, "Ah. This place is just as great as I remembered." And you can get a lot more work done when you don't have to think about the weather. [Posted 3/13.]

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