Dynamist Blog


The NYT Sunday Styles section reviews The Substance of Style. Penelope Green begins with a personal anecdote, in which a classic functional problem (computer ergonomics) leads to an opportunity for greater aesthetic value as well:

Two weeks ago, my hands stopped working, the result of too many hours spent at a laptop. Proper ergonomics, I soon learned, requires a separate keyboard and mouse.

At Digital Society, 60 East 10th Street (Broadway) in Manhattan, there were choices: utilitarian-looking keyboards and mice in beige plastic, and the Apple versions, in this year's signature white, afloat in clear plastic--deliriously beautiful, and at a premium. The Apple keyboard was $12 more than its beige counterpart; the mouse, $29 more. I waffled for a good 10 minutes. Guess which equipment I bought?

I'll be in NYC through Wednesday on my book tour. Blogging will most likely be light, as I've discovered it's hard to find the time and Internet access amid book activities. But I will try to post something daily.

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