Dynamist Blog

Upholding the Torch

As long-time readers know, I'm on the board of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, better known as FIRE. FIRE's blog, The Torch, is full of good stuff, including a detailed report by FIRE president Greg Lukianoff on his appearance at University of Delaware to discuss the school's invasive residential life educational program, which featured such things as one-on-one interviews in which residential advisers demanded that freshmen give detailed answers to questions like when they first realized their sexual identities. The program got lots of negative attention from bloggers and others, leading the university to discontinue it--at least for now. To give you a sense of the reception, Greg titles his post "Taking My Licks at the University of Delaware."

Not all of FIRE's cases get as much attention--How much have you heard about Hampton University's refusal to recognize a gay and lesbian student group, in direct contradiction of the university's nondiscrimination policy?--but the very existence of the organization gives students and faculty a reliable ally to turn to when academic freedom is under attack. Take, for example, the absurd but true case at Valdosta State in which a student was expelled for peacefully protesting plans to spend $30 million in student fees to build new parking structures.

The best way, by far, to keep up with FIRE's work, and the ideas behind it, is to check out The Torch on a regular basis. And when you're making your year-end charitable donations, please support FIRE. Gifts earmarked to support FIRE's new New York satellite office will be matched by a generous donor.

UPDATE: Blogger Fritz Schrank recounts his experience with a fundraising call from the University of Delaware.

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